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The Mont Terri rock laboratory offers ideal conditions for a variety of tests. The experiments are concentrated on three main areas:

Development of methods

One group of experiments comprises the development of new research and measurement methods, particularly adapted to the Opalinus Clay.

Characterisation of Opalinus Clay

Opalinus Clay is being investigated as a potential host rock for the storage of nuclear waste due to its specific characteristics.

Demonstration experiments

Demonstration experiments show the feasibility for a future deep geological repository for radioactive waste and the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) response of Opalinus Clay.

The most important experiments

Since 1996, experiments have been carried out in the Mont Terri rock laboratory. The expansion of the laboratory in 2018/2019 allows us to carry out new experiments.

Experiment portfolio

The Mont Terri rock laboratory is a generic laboratory. It is exclusively dedicated to research and will never be used as a storage site for radioactive waste.

FAQs and answers

During the visits to the Mont Terri rock laboratory similar questions are often asked to the guides. Below the five most frequent questions are answered briefly.